Child Protection Policy
1. Introduction
This policy relates to children/young people under the age of 18 years and those vulnerable adults of any age who are identified to the organisers prior to their arrival at the Festival. In recognising the needs of all performers, we actively seek to meet the needs notified to the Festival by parents, carers or teachers. This should be done by contacting the Festival by email: enquiries@!, or by writing c/o PO Box 26800, Kirkcaldy, KY2 5UG.
This policy relates to children/young people under the age of 18 years and those vulnerable adults of any age who are identified to the organisers prior to their arrival at the Festival. In recognising the needs of all performers, we actively seek to meet the needs notified to the Festival by parents, carers or teachers. This should be done by contacting the Festival by email: enquiries@!, or by writing c/o PO Box 26800, Kirkcaldy, KY2 5UG.
- The Festival Environment
The venues used by the Fife Festival of Music for performances will be recognised theatres, public halls or schools. These venues may well have areas which are open to the public - other than those attending the festival. It is our policy to inform and involve teachers, parents and carers in partnership, in order to ensure as far as is reasonably practicable, a safe environment at the Festival. Fife Festival of Music is run by volunteers, with the professional assistance of adjudicators, accompanists and teachers. - Festival Personnel
Festival personnel are recruited by personal recommendations from the Committee. During the Festival all Committee Members and volunteers will wear identification badges. Anyone so identified can be approached and will be able to give directions to the appropriate committee member who will deal with any problem. Every problem will be taken seriously, and will be documented and dated. A register of the name and address of all volunteers is maintained by the Chief Steward. - Preparation for Attendance at the Festival.
Parents or carers of children who enter as individuals and who are not personally attending with their children should ensure that their children are accompanied and adequately supervised at the Festival by responsible adults acting on their behalf. Children entered as part of a school group will be supervised by school appointed adults as specified by local authority guidelines. The Child Protection Policy is available in the Prospectus, the Programme and on the Festival website.
- Performance and Warming-up/tuning areas
Stewards will be in attendance in foyers and assembly rooms. Parents, carers and teachers should ensure that children or vulnerable adults are adequately supervised at all times, particularly in warming-up/tuning areas. - Photographs, Video/Audio Recording and Press Photography
There will be no photography and/or no video or audio recording permitted within the venues. Photographers from the local press will be permitted to photograph performers under the direction of Festival stewards. This will normally happen without prior intimation. However, if, for any reason, you do not wish your child to appear in any photograph, you should note your request on the online entry form. - The Legislation and Guidance that Supports this Policy
Children (Scotland) Act, 1995. National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2014 (Scottish Executive), Fife Interagency Child Protection Guidance 2014. - Responsibility
Fife Festival of Music is organized by a voluntary committee. Although it has no statutory responsibility to investigate allegations of child abuse, it has, however, a responsibility to refer any concerns regarding the safety or welfare of a child/young person to the appropriate agency for investigation.
Any concern about a child’s/young person’s wellbeing should be referred to a Committee Member who should take all appropriate actions about the concerns. Any decision to take further action by way of referral to Social Work Services or Police will be taken by the Chairman or the Administrator and recorded.
In the case of emergency, any Committee Member will ensure that medical attention is received or the Police alerted as appropriate. The Police have power to act immediately to protect a child/young person. - Policy Review
Fife Festival of Music Committee will keep its policy under review, upgrading it as necessary. In doing this they will look to other agencies for good practice.
(Amended and updated July 2021)
Our Privacy Policies and what they mean for you
For the attention of all our supporters
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on 25th May 2018 and creates a single set of rules which better protects personal information.
Fife Festival of Music is committed to making sure that your personal information is treated with respect and accuracy. The following gives a summary of your rights and our responsibilities.
We use the information you give us:
- In relation to the administration of Festival activities
- To further the objectives of Fife Festival of Music
- To further our charitable aims, for example through fundraising activities
- To maintain our accounts and records (including the processing of Gift Aid
applications) - Your personal information will be:
- Collected only for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes
- Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary
- Processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner that ensures appropriate
security - Accurate, up to date and securely deleted when no longer required
The GDPR provides the following rights for all individuals:
- To obtain a copy of their personal information held by us
- To have their personal information corrected if it is inaccurate or incomplete
- To have their personal information deleted (but this is not an absolute right)
- To request that we stop processing their personal information
- To receive a copy in a portable format of their personal information held
If you would like to talk to us about your personal information, or would like to exercise any of your rights as laid out above, please contact us at:
Fife Festival of Music PO Box 26800 Kirkcaldy
or by email: [email protected]